This is supposed to be where we say “Welcome to Metasip.” But we probably need to explain ourselves first. What’s the point, anyway?
Good question. So, you try a beer, or a bottle of wine, or a whiskey or vodka or something…and you want to let someone know it’s really good…
OR, you see a beverage bottle and you want to know if it’s any good…
You want to find that stuff you tried in your store, or you can’t remember the name, or…well, you get the idea. Is there a site for you?
Welcome to Metasip
While we build the unpretentious, real-world, not-stuffy-at-all site dedicated to what you’ve sipped and what you think of it, we need your help…
Tried Something Good?
Wine reviews are on a crazy point system that’s been run by “the man” since way back when. We think that’s unfair: you know what you like to drink, you know the taste profile, and you’re probably happier with something that is a good value – not just something that’s 90 points.
Ditto beer: do ya like it? Does it taste good? Is it your style?
And we haven’t even scratched the surface on all the OTHER libations. You’ve tried them…and you have an opinion.
SIMPLE: Send us your review: (Even better if you send a photo with your review. Take a picture of the bottle, or the label, or the beverage.)
Make Something Good?
Whether you’ve been at the business forever, or you’re gearing up for a launch: we want to hear from you. It’s simple: Want to get your stuff listed? Just send whatever materials you’ve got – photos, taste profile, marketing information, etc. to us at We’ll get you into our database.
Stay Tuned. Check Back Soon. And Please Sip Responsibly.
Of course we’re on the social channels. Follow us on Twitter or visit us on Facebook.
Welcome to Metasip. We’re glad you’re here.
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