Second of two gluten-free reviews. I mean, the beer is gluten-free, not the review. But the review is gluten-free, too.
After trying a beer that made me want to run for the hills (after running for the mouthwash), I needed something that actually tasted like beer. So I found it, in this winner from Two Brothers: Prairie Path Golden Ale.
This review, then, really isn’t gluten-free: I’m not going to focus on the fact that this is brewed to remove as much of the gluten as they can. Nor am I going to tell you that people who have celiac and/or are gluten-free have told me that this is their beer of choice. No, I’m just going to review this beer for what it is. BEER.
To the review!
Prairie Path Golden Ale
“Complex malt character,” according to the Two Brothers website. Yup, I like a malty mouthfeel with my ale. The hops (Saaz and Golding) give you a little bit of bitterness on the finish. It’s a sweetheart of a beer, people. Really works – easy drinking for all.
5.1% ABV. 25 IBUs. I’m starting to think that 25 might be right in MY IBU wheelhouse.
In Chicago, $8.99 for a six-pack is about right. But, yeah, if you have to pay more, pay more.
Metasip Grade: A-
A couple more things about this beer: Two Brothers actually posts the gluten testing results on their website. Beer Advocate, a site we enjoy, gives this only an 80. Ratebeer, whose numbers I (sorry) don’t understand, gives it a 37.
I don’t think the low ratings are worthwhile – but you’re free to tell me I’m wrong. Do so in the comments below.
AND, note that we’ve taken a look at other Two Brothers’ stuff. Take a look at one such review here: Two Brothers.
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