Prepare to be shocked.
I must admit that, when I picked up the Oak Leaf Merlot, I didn’t immediately make a plan for it.
When I grab other wines, there’s almost always a plan. I’ll get a bottle of Cabernet to go with a pasta meal, or a Malbec if I’m having something spicy (underrated combo: Malbec with flank steak). Or, I’ll pick up something with the idea of a glass at night by itself – sometimes in the late fall, a Sauvignon Blanc will actually do the trick for this. (Try it.) With this Oak Leaf Merlot, though, I had no plan.
Spoiler Alert: We’ll tell you where it’s from below. You might be shocked. (If you watch the video, you’ll hear us about 2 minutes in tell you where this wine is from.)
We picked this up in a pair – there was a Cabernet, too, and the price was right – at least for an experiment.
Anyway, let’s get to the review…
Oak Leaf Merlot Review
We warned you that there was a little shock value here – because the wine was from Walmart. And, as you’ll see in the video, it knocked us off our feet.
Really, this has all the Merlot qualities you’re looking for. Dry, not fruit-forward but there’s some fruit, nose was strong – in that we could sense the alcohol. Mellow is another good word.
Non-vintage. 12.5% ABV. “American.” So could be somewhere out west, likely California, probably not Arkansas.
Where it’s a real score – this wine was $2.97. If you’re like me, and you like a glass now and then, can’t really have more than a glass on the nights you do drink, this is right up your alley. $3 for a glass, or two, of wine – and it’s better than average? Nice job, Walmart. Nice job.
Metasip Grade: A-
We have to give this a good score, right? Mostly because of the shock value, I think. Unexpected. Go get some.
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