It finally happened. I got stopped by someone on the street. And they took me to task for not reviewing white wines.
It’s not that I don’t drink whites. It’s not that I don’t like whites.
It’s just that I tend toward reds – I almost always have – and that’s just the nature of the beast.
But wait…haven’t I said you should expand your palate? YES. And haven’t I done a ton of tastings over the past several months – ones where other people voted with their pocketbooks on the best white wines? YES.
So, it’s time for…
10 Wines Under 10 Dollars – White Wine Edition
Ground rules: These wines are ones that can be found in stores in Illinois – my home base – so you may not have them in your state. Price, also, may vary – some of them were way under $10, others are on the edge (and, as you know, once something gets popular at $7, it disappears, then returns at $9).
You’re not going to get the more in-depth reviews that you get elsewhere on this site – the point of this post is to be as simple as possible and give you 10 wines that won’t break your piggy bank.
Here goes. (These are in no particular order, by the way…so, Number 1 is just the first one on the list.)
1. Sequin Pinot Grigio
The same person who asked why I don’t review any white wines asked specifically about Pinot Grigio. It’s a much-maligned grape, IMHO, because of Santa Margherita. (I’m not a big fan.)
These folks, though, champion the “Delicately Bubbled” version of Pinot Grigio. Good for them – and you. It’s pretty festive, if you’re looking for a festive white.
Expect to pay: About $9.
N.B. This stays in the white wine category – in spite of the bubbles. We’ll have the “10 Wines Under 10 Dollars – Sparkling Wine Edition” in early August.
2. Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc

“This stands up to Kim Crawford. And it’s under $10.”
Kim Crawford does good stuff, and the random comment above from someone in the Dominick’s wine aisle was good enough for us. Nobilo is a name that’s been around for awhile – and there’s a golf commentator with the same name.
Expect to pay $8 or less.
3. Alamos Torrontes
We reviewed this a couple weeks ago and it scored quite well. (Read the Alamos Torrontes review here.)
It is one of those wines that might change how you think about white wine. (They make other stuff, too – here’s a link to the Alamos web site.)
Expect to Pay around $9.
4. Coppola Diamond Collection Chardonnay
One of the things Francis Ford Coppola did well? Buy the old Inglenook estate, get into wine.
His Chardonnays are always a good value, and inexpensive.
Expect to pay $8-$10.
5. 120 Sauvignon Blanc
“Honoring 120 Patriots who helped lead Chile to Independence.”
Expect to pay under $7. (!)
6. Joel Gott Sauvignon Blanc
One of the best – and most alliterative names – in wine, pretty much any year Joel puts his name on will be a winner.
For the 2012 Sauvignon Blanc, expect to pay right under $10.
7. Menage a Trois Pinot Grigio
They make the unavoidable red – wherever you go in search of wine, there’s the Menage a Trois red blend. (And it’s almost always $7-$8.)
Here, then their Pinot Grigio. A little more expensive than the red blend.
Expect to pay $9-$10.
8. Naked Grape Pinot Grigio
Why not stay with the Pinot (Grigio)? Naked Grape is, well, a “supermarket wine” – at least, from my perch, you’ll have no problem finding their work at your local supermarket.
Expect to pay $6-ish.
9. Flip Flop Riesling
Another one of the semi-ubiquitous brands you’ll find at your local supermarket. Advantage to Flip Flop and number 8 above – if you’ve not tried them, you’re only out a few bucks to expand your palate.
Expect to pay $5-$6; we have seen it under $5.
10. Los Hermanos Moscato
This one might set you back close to the $10 mark – but Beringer’s own label that honors the name of the original 215-acre tract where the Beringer brothers set up shop in 1876. It’s also a nod to the rich Hispanic heritage of California’s Wine Country.
Expect to pay right around $10.
So there you go: 10 Wines Under 10 Dollars – White Wine Edition
Coming soon, Red Wine Edition and Sparkling Wine Edition.
Until then, we’d love to know in the comments what you think – if you’ve tried any of these, if you think we’re out of whack, or if you want us to add some for future lists.
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